utilizes a lawyer ratings system
that evaluates lawyers listed on
the site for their
Internet savvy and
advancement as it
pertains to the quality
of service they offer
clients. Each requirement that is met merits the law firm one
checkmark within their listing. A
total of four checkmarks is possible.
If a law
firm does not possess
any checkmarks, they may
have chosen not to
participate in the
ratings system, or they
may not have been rated
yet. A star within
any listing denotes
membership, and a blue ribbon
within any listing
denotes honorary
membership. A
video camera denotes the
law firm utilizes and/or
videoconferencing, a
service LawyersListings'
parent company, enlighten
offers. The ratings system is
based upon the following criteria:
Does your law firm possess a web presence? This is defined as
any form of website promotion, such as a website, logo, or banner
ad, or some form of web link.
Does your law firm utilize secure online backups, client file management or Internet research? Examples include LAWCHEK®, WESTLAW, LEXIS, or™.
Has your law firm been in practice, and using computers, for five years or
Has your law firm, or any member, received an Internet or
technological award
or been highlighted in any major publication? Or, has the firm participated in 25 trials or more.
review, if your law firm qualifies in at least one area, you will
receive a checkmark. If your law firm meets more than one of
the listed criteria, you will receive checkmarks for each area
met. For a key to the ratings system, please see the Legend